Hearing Loss Overview
At , we understand your busy lifestyle and want to help you make the most of it. We want to make sure you never miss a memorable chat with your grandkids, an important conversation with a colleague, or the punchline of a friend’s joke. With improved hearing, you’ll be ready for all of life’s best…
Read MoreHearing Loss Symptoms
Hearing loss is one of the biggest health concerns in the U.S. It is the third most commonly reported physical condition, following arthritis and heart disease. It affects roughly 20 percent of the American population and can strike people of all ages. The most common causes of hearing loss are noise exposure and aging. What…
Read MoreWhat Is an Audiologist?
Have you ever wondered what exactly an audiologist does, besides look inside your ears with a lighted instrument? If you have been diagnosed with hearing loss, you’ll want to learn as much as you can about this professional who will be intimately involved in helping you come up with a solution that allows you to…
Read MoreHearing Aids
Hearing Aid Styles Hearing aids have improved greatly with the advent of digital technology. If you’re picturing big and bulky devices with questionable sound quality, you’ll be pleased to learn today’s instruments are smaller, more comfortable and provide sound that is more natural. They are available in a variety of sizes and styles, so finding…
Read MoreBone Anchored Hearing Devices
A bone anchored hearing device is a hearing device that relies on direct bone conduction to transmit sound. This surgically implanted device bypasses the auditory canal and middle ear, utilizing bones as a pathway for sound to reach the middle ear. It’s an alternative for people with chronic ear infections, congenital external auditory canal atresia…
Read MoreCochlear Implants & Mapping
A cochlear implant is a surgically implanted device that bypasses damaged hair cells in the ear and provides electrical stimulation directly to the auditory nerve, giving patients who are severely hearing impaired or profoundly deaf the ability to hear. It is most beneficial for those who cannot be helped with a traditional hearing aid. How…
Read MoreNoise Protection
We are exposed to sound on a daily basis. Volume levels vary considerably, and can easily exceed 85 decibels (dB) – the threshold that is considered safe. Any prolonged exposure to noise exceeding this is harmful and can cause permanent, irreversible hearing loss. Noise Exposure Excess noise exposure isn’t the only cause of hearing damage.…
Read MoreCustom Earmolds
It has long been acknowledged that noise induced hearing loss can be prevented by wearing earplugs. While there are plenty of good choices available off the shelf, because all patients’ ears are unique the best protection will come from those crafted from custom earmolds. Custom earmolds are made from impressions of a patient’s ear canal and concha…
Read MoreShooter Ear Plugs
Guns are one of the biggest threats to a person’s hearing. They can cause instant, permanent and irreversible damage to the ears. Understandable, given the fact that a gunshot produces sounds at 120–160 decibels – louder than a jet engine. Many hunters, police officers, sharpshooters and military personnel avoid wearing basic earplugs because they block…
Read MoreTinnitus
Ringing in the ear, or tinnitus, is a widespread condition that affects an estimated 50 million Americans. Some people describe it as a hissing, roaring, whooshing or buzzing sound instead of ringing. It may be sporadic or constant, and is a symptom of an underlying condition rather than a disease itself. There are many factors…
Read MoreDizziness & Balance
Dizziness, a blanket term used to describe any feeling of unsteadiness, is one of the leading health complaints in the United States, affecting an estimated nine million people annually. For those over the age of 70 it’s the top reason for a visit to the doctor’s office. What Are the Causes of Dizziness? Dizziness…
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